Winter Activity Trip 2020

A picture paints a thousand words and our Winter Activity Trip (WAT) needs no words, just all these amazing pics. Except for these – we hope you enjoy these photos as much as the 70 attendees had making them. We had it all,  suspense, drama, thrills, spills, action, reaction, comedy, seriousness, ups, downs, challenges, breezes, energy, lack of sleep, night, day, night, day, pecks, valleys, snow, rocks, ice, frosts, incredible weather and fabulous food (we think)! It was a marvelous experience.

Blog from Reena: Winter activity with Kiwi style! Super simple and delicious food! Spectacular views and first time play activity in snow, Amazed to know how a walking can be very interesting in kiwi style, a chance to know native people, culture and NZ in deep, sharing thoughts, laughs, creativity, activities, cold, fun, energetic, co-ordination, support. We all enjoyed it at its best! Thank you Brooklyn scout for this amazing opportunity!

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