
The joint Parents – Leaders Committee works with, and supports, the Group Leader and other section leaders in the running of the Group focusing primarily on administrative matters, as per Scouts NZ best practice guidelines.  Current parent members are:

  1. John Morrison (acting Chair) [email protected]
  2. John Morrison (Group Leader) [email protected]
  3. Grant Clarke (Asst. Group Leader)
  4. Catherine Gibbs (Secretary, Marketing) – [email protected]
  5. Lesley Mackle (Treasurer) – [email protected]
  6. Joss Morrison (Quarter-Master)- [email protected]
  7. Charlotte Wall  (Fundraising and Grants) –
  8. John Morrison (Webmaster) – [email protected]
  9. Hannah Harland (Stadium co-ordination) – [email protected]

Key policies

Committee Records: Minutes and papers

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