Hall Renovation Progress

Last Saturday we managed to get the Hardie flex and bats up in behind the new walls at the rear of the basement—thanks to Damien and Harriet—see pictures of father and daughter wriggling through the dust and completing this rather awful job. They worked with me most of the day — Damien also installed the last few wall brace brackets.

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(Andrew turned up to help Terry during the week with a few more straps on the joists etc.  Thanks Andrew.)

Meanwhile Michael V sanded and primed the scribers for around the new door facings and Harriet undercoated the facings and sanded the door. He escaped before I could get a photo record!

Terry and I got the last big sheet of Gib up on the ceiling and some more on the walls. Nearly all done but this is the stage where there are fiddly bits and pieces that seem to take a lot of time.

Queen’s B’day weekend I will be plastering. There may be a few things to help with if anyone is at a loose end.

If I can get 8 reasonably strong people along for 30 minutes we could shift the old steel beam up onto the path ready to sell. If not this weekend, definitely the job for the following Saturday.



T: 04 972 5530 M: 021 228 5558

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