Pictures from the weekends ski trip

Well, no pictures of the actual skiing due to the weather, but alternative fun activities were had by all.  Saturday morning we had a tramp around Lake Rotopounamu and to relax a soak at the Debretts hot pools, with most of the scouts enjoying the water slide.

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Sunday morning the weather was no better, so we packed up and made the most of the day with a visit to the Tangiwai Memorial followed by the Waioru Army Museum.  Then followed by a farm visit, where we were able to watch new calfs being fed, stroke a 1 day old lamb and for the more adventurous scouts some milking!!  A special thanks to Nick Devereau for a great farm visit.

Keep an eye on the website as more photos will be loaded as they come in.

Thanks Denise for organising a great trip.



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