Group Camp Brookfields May 2017

11 Cubs and 8 Scouts placed themselves in the hands of 6 Venturers for a weekend of exciting activities.  We were gently sprinkled with rain, smears of mud and a rainbow, before being baked by a roasting fire and finally frozen overnight by a frost!?

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A slippery trip through the obstacle course (raising adrenaline levels for some) was followed by some pioneering using basic lashing techniques – which also seemed to be pretty challenging for some youth!  During the afternoon another series of activities were undertaken, one involved being lead through a course blindfolded.

Dinner was cooked in foil packets placed on the hot embers of fires lit by each of the three patrols.   Later in the evening we joined with neighbouring Guides at The Kauri Circle for a series of skits around a camp fire.

Congratulations to Rebecca for looking after her (raw) egg until the end of the camp!

Many thanks to the Venturers for putting on such a well organised event and to Dad’s Matt an Mark for helping support our youth.


John aka “The Paparazzi” (Seb!?)

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