This weekend our keas took to the skies and braved some heights with the help of the lovely team at Fergs. Everyone tried something new and pushed their comfort zones to great success, resulting in fun for everyone involved!
Scouts explore community and identity
Tonight we all brainstormed a list of things that we do in our own individual lives/families – and where our interests and values intersect – to make up the character. and values of the wider community that we live in. Identity was explored through mask making and nail polish!
Inspired by their fish friends at the marine centre our keas took their torches and warm jackets and took to the streets for another scavenger hunt: this one to help pick up litter to stop it getting into the ocean. With many giggles and much climbing all the teams had a great night of exploration!
Brooklyn Community ANZAC Service 2023
A team of youth (with support?) made a variety of sandwiches for the post service morning tea at the Brooklyn Community Centre. We embrace a number of opportunities during the year to support our local community.
The service was held at Brooklyn School. Several Cubs laid the wreath before it was taken up to the Brooklyn War Memorial.
? ? Kaiārahi (adult volunteer’s) contributions recognised ? ?
Tonight we celebrated some significant contributions (to the Brooklyn Scout Group) by our Kaiārahi. Bob (Rata) received his 30 years of outstanding service award. David received his Bronze Tiki Award for his ‘over and above’ contribution to Scouting (from being a Kaiārahi for 9 years, to Group Leader, to Jamboree Troop Leader, to supporter of the wider Zone). Anneleah received a Koru Award (five years service) for her time as Kea Kaiārahi and Chair of the Committee and general organiser. Denise received a 10 year service award for her Kaiārahi roles and committee support. Joss received a Koru Award (along with Catherine, Jaime, Gary & John).
Bob and David have both retired: Please recite a quick B-R-A-V-O to thank them for their contributions!
The night finished with a Kai and a lolly scramble. And yes, we are looking for new adult. volunteers!