I am Unique

Our rangatahi certainly embraced diversity tonight, with nearly everyone feeling brave enough to either play a musical instrument, talk about an interest, show us a unique skill or make us 😆

We had an embroider taking their subject inspiration from computer games, a master yo-yo trickster, a hunter, a colouring-in expert, and a compulsive joke teller, each one demonstrating that we all have unique qualities🤭

The respect that was shown (as individuals courageously took ‘centre stage’) was impressive and I was surprised at the different connections made across the 24 rangatahi with each Scouts demonstration/ reveal about themselves. Very rewarding to watch!

Thanks, John

Slideshow/ powerpoint night

I continue to be in awe of the great things Scouts can do if given the opportunity. Tonight, rather than avoiding technology our small teams used it to put short presentations together – on whatever topic took their fancy. Some were able to employ/ demonstrate their technical/ research skills while others took the lead on presenting.

Thanks, John

Matariki investiture’s & food donations for the Wellington City Mission

Tonight we caught up with investiture’s –12 in all 🥳 (some dating back several terms😬). Luckily we have patient youth🤭 We’ve been quite busy doing fun stuff… (and also had a shortage of scarves – now remedied thanks to some talented parents!).

We also took the opportunity to reflect on the year and everyone chose something they wanted to do/ achieve in Scouts this year. It seems we have a lot of pyromaniacs!?

We (Cubs & Scouts) also collected food donations for the City Mission’s Social Supermarket.

Kaitoke Scout Camp

Camping in the middle (literally) of winter is always fun. We got the full -1ºC frost treatment followed by rain – with (luckily) some warmish sun in-between!

Saturday was packed full of activities from a navigation challenge and a mini raft race to fire lighting (so we could boil bills & bake potatoes) and toffee pop challenge. A big campfire kept everyone warm (after cooking banana splits, apple pie and damper). On Sunday we packed up our wet gear, and then undertook a walking blindfolded activity (walking in a straight line (or not) to a set point).