The 25th World Scout Jamboree will take place from 1 to 12 August 2023, in SaeManGeum, Jeollabuk-do, Republic of Korea. The theme is “Draw your Dream” – expressing the desire for Scouts to transform the event into their own festival and grow their dreams – with organisers embracing a willingness to accept young people’s ideas and opinions, and create opportunities for them.
The BSG has a history of supporting youth to attend National and World Jamborees. These events represent incredible value when you consider the personal development opportunities and the cost of doing the activities on offer through private operators.
I am really very proud that we have three Scouts and one Venturer signed up to go (and a Venturer Kaiārahi is also helping organise the NZ contingent). The last World Jamboree in West Virginia, USA, had over 28,000 youth attending it – what an amazing experience for the 40 youth that travelled from NZ! Last week our youth attendees had their second Meets online planning get together…

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