Term 3 2014 Scout Section information

Term 3 2014 Scout Section information for Scouts and families: please read and note dates for your diary

Dear families

We have a full house of 25 eager scouts and three cubs to welcome this term. To help us run a good programme, we need regular attendance.   Please advise absences via email or text Denise or Bob (denise.churchATparadise.net.nz, 0212226800) or (bevan.smithATactrix.co.nz, 027 389 4642).

Parents are welcome to observe and/or support activities – just talk with Scout Leaders.

First night of term – Tuesday 22 July
New Patrol Leaders Nicky and Joshua and SPL Tom, new APLs Thomas M, Felix and Zoe to be invested. Plus new Scout Daniel (other new scouts Blitz and Khan will receive their Scout badges a little later in the Term).   Families are welcome for the ceremony.

Scouting achievements
Scouts is all about having fun, making friends, and learning new skills, both practical and leadership.   Every Scout should have the SCOUT AWARDS SCHEME booklet downloaded from the Brooklyn website, printed and in a clear file, preferably left at the hall so that it doesn’t get lost J .   Do check in with your scout on their activities and achievements.  If you can’t print the book, please let Denise know.

Skiing trip
We have ONE place remaining for the ski trip.   Please let Denise know urgently if you would like to claim this – also, if you need to borrow ski clothing – limited supply available. 

Scout troop tramping trip:   30-31 August to Tutere Hut, Orongorongo Valley
We want ALL scouts to attend – preparing for a tramp will be a focus for Term 3 activity.  We have booked out this modern DOC 32 bunk tramping hut.  Some places available for parents who would like to come as parent help.  Easy tramping track.      A consent form will come out next week.   Those with Saturday morning activities will be able to walk in on Saturday afternoon.   Cost of this trip will be approximately $30. Leaders Bob and Terry.

Cossgrove course:  19-21 September – basic skills course for scouts who have been in scouting at least one term.    We expect all scouts to attend a Cossgrove Course within a year of joining scouts.   Talk with Bob or Denise if you have questions. Details to follow.

Cossgrove Gold course:  limited places for scouts aged 12.5+, advanced outdoor skills, 28 Sept and 3-5 October.  Bivouac, survival skills, river crossing and more.   You need to let Denise know BY 1 AUGUST if your scout would like to attend this great learning experience.

Scout Gang Show Tuesday 23 September:   we have Dawn and Mathieu starring, parents are welcome.   Booking forms will be sent out shortly.   Please hold the date.

Yours in Scouting:    Bob, Denise, Terry and Oliver & volunteers Gussy, Grady, Stuart and Ed

Click here for the Term 3 Activity Plan 

Hall Renovation Update

Hi everyone

I have been a bit quiet for a couple of weeks as we have reached a point where there have been lots of bits and pieces to do to bring the project to completion that have been less amenable to “working bee” logistics.

I have included some photos form the last 6 weeks so you see how much progress has been made, thanks to the regular crew.

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Over the last two weeks the plastering has been completed and after I applied the sealer Terry sanded this and got the first coat of paint on.  This was great as it enabled me to get the two top coats on this weekend ready for the light and power fittings to go on.

When I got to paint and sand all of the walls and ceiling I got to appreciate what a big area it is and also to appreciate how much effort Terry has had to put in dealing with the complications in the varying wall and ceiling surfaces in the build and gibbing. It is far from straightforward. (For those interested in facts and figures we have about 143 square metres of surface area excluding doors and window. That’s a lot to cover.)

Chris Ewers  has been working away on the wiring ( unfortunately our photographer wasn’t around while he was there) so the new mains wire is in and the transformers all wired up ready for the main LEDs.

Next steps before the grand opening date to be set:

  1. This week we get the “stable door” installed and the locks etc. fitted.
  2. We are waiting for the special ‘tumescent” fire protection paint for the steel beams.
  3. Sanding and polyurethaning the floors  (A few repairs and filling of the old wooded floor to be completed first).
  4. Electrical wiring completion with lights. Power points and heater fitted. (Chris has been waiting patiently to get this finished—he has already got the new heaters). We will be doing some upgrading upstairs at the same time to make good use of the electrician’s time.
  5.  QM store doors made and installed. (Shelves will depend on funding position).

Working becoming up 19 July

Look out for message from me for a working bee to do a few last things including for the community garden. They would really appreciate some help getting all of the regenerating weeds and roots out of the Terrace we have created behind the new retaining wall.  A bit of our concrete back-fill is incompatible with what they want to plant (wrong Ph!). It will be really nice to get this tidied up to complete the effect of an attractive area outside the renovated basement.  (I think we need a new name –basement sound a bit like dungeon!!)

I am away this weekend, so will probably all be done on the weekend of the 19th July. Be prepared.



Time Capsule Laid To Rest

Yesterday the time capsule was put to rest with the renovations moving into the final stages.  Starting with the sealing of the new time capsule, to Rex Collett (Basement Renovation Project Manager) turns the first screw on the Capsule’s hiding place

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