For our first trip of the year our keas went to the annual Wellington Pride fair for some exploring, some leaning, and lots of free candy! We met people from all walks of life and the kids had a great time touring the venue in their posse before retiring for some hard earned games of mega-jenga
Scouts medley
Recently we visited Karori West and played noughts and crosses (very loudly). This was a first introduction, working towards being one Troop at Jamboree. One of our scouts wanted a sewing badge; so he made one! And as part of a planning session Scouts showed they could sign the Scout Promise
Keas explore flight
Paperplanes were the order of the night after carefully decorating the paper first
Scouts make mini-pizzas
Scouts were all given a topping and had to trade some of what they had, for whatever they wanted and didn’t have… some interesting topping combinations resulted?
New Keas Invested
Tonight we invested a bunch of new youth, awarded badges and invested a new Kaiārahi -a busy night!