We are humbled to have been selected as a finalist in the Wellington Airport Regional Community Awards 2022 for Wellington City.
These awards are drawn from the community and we were completely unaware of our nomination.
Wellington International Airport and the five local councils come together to recognise the work carried out by community groups in the wider Wellington region. The focus of the awards is to celebrate volunteers for their valuable contribution to society.
The winners will be announced on Tuesday 23 August.
I’d personally like to thank all the scouting kaiārahi (leaders), the committee who tirelessly work away in the background, helpers who regularly turn out, caregivers and of course the 88+ youth who engage in scouting on a weekly basis – the sum of all these parts coming together in an exciting and progressive programme of events is building a great mana for future generations of New Zealanders.
Mark Le Masurier
Group Chairperson
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