Investing our new PL’s & APL’s to start the New Year and our new scouts working on their Scout Badge.
Category Archives: Activity
Brooklyn Scout Group Awards Night
Tonight (December 11th), we had an awards celebration night with special guests Josh Tabor Chief Executive Scouts NZ and David Lee Wellington City Councillor (Southern Ward). The awards started with 4 new Scouts being invested Olly, Noah, Cormac and Liadan. This was followed by a number of youth receiving personal badges ranging from Arts, Crafts, Bronze, Silver and Gold Scout Badges.
We also invested a new leader Mark, which was followed by Rex receiving a Medal of Merit for all the support he has provided to Brooklyn Scout Group for well over 10 years, we struggled to find the words to say thanks to Rex for his hard work and dedication to our Scout Hall.
We then came to the main purpose of the night, the presentation of 3 Chief Scout awards, presented by Josh Tabor – Chief Executive for NZ Scouts to Rebekah, Mathieu and Harry.
The Group, Leaders, parents, youth were all proud of their great achievement.
Keas vs Scout end of year party night
The Keas had a great time decorating biscuits followed by a water fight with Jamie the Scout.
Endeavour Venturers end of year camp!
Rebekah’s Patrol Camp, Battle Hill, 9-11 November, 2018
Arriving on Friday evening after a day of rain meant the normally placid stream crossing was slightly more interesting for our vehicles (and the scouts!) than it would be normally! Luckily the rain eased to wetting mist while we put … Continue reading