Rimutaka Incline Cycle Trip

We had a great time on the trip. some only to the summit. Which is a great option for less confident cyclists and also meant you could shuttle the car across to Featherston.
Others went over and through to Featherston – there is a dedicated cycle path from Cross Creek to Featherston which is new and was a great option so kids don’t share the road with cars.  With some doing the incline twice (there and back)!!

Great weather for it, really good ride. I think everyone had fun.


Battle Hill Scout Camp

Battle Hill was the first camp of the year and it was great to see the new tents being used.

On Saturday the scouts enjoyed a good hike to view the transmission gully area and then had a walk up to the top of Battle Hill.  Followed by a relaxing swim, dinner and camp fire.

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Cubs hike into Belmont Regional Park

On Sunday 6th Dec a Group of 25 Cubs, Leaders and parents from Brooklyn joined with 9 Cubs, Leaders and parents from Silverpine Group to do a hike in Belmont Regional Park.

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We walked down the track to the stream where we had lunch. The Cubs explored the stream, built a small damn, floated walnut shell boats, discovered natural swings of supple jack vines in the trees and some even discovered an eel. Meanwhile Silverpine Venturer, Alex, and Brooklyn Scout, Eddie, set up cookers and brewed up kawakawa tea from leaves that the cubs had picked on there way down. All the cubs tried the kawakawa tea and after packing everything up we all walked back to investigate the damn and then back up to the cars by a different track. We were also joined on this walk by 2 visiting scout leaders from the UK who very much enjoyed learning about some of the NZ native plants and sharing scouting stories with us. A great time was had by all.