Zone Swimming Sports 15th November

Hello Awesome Group Leaders and friends!

As discussed below we are running the Zone Swimming Sports which is a month away today!

Please see the attached poster which says how to register online and how to keep up-to-date on the facebook page however I will send you updates at they come.

Poster Details here

Standardly everyone is to pay cash on the door. If you are wanting to have your scouts to pay you and you give us a cheque (like some did for ANZAC Breakfast) that is fine, however they need to register and you need to give us a list of names.

Questions which I am sure you have, let me know or post on the facebook page.

If you don’t have plans tonight, Regal are having a Fundraising Quiz Night, Brew’d Bar in Island Bay at 7:30pm, $10 a ticket at the door. We would love to see you 🙂


Vicky Trott

Crew Leader of Regal Rover Crew

New Cubs and Gold Cub Award

The final night of term 3 was busy for Cubs, they had a number of cub invested into Brooklyn cubs as well as badges being awarded for individual achievements.

We just wanted to again welcome all the cubs who were invested last night as well as congratulating Daniel on achieving his Gold Cub award. He should be very proud of himself and he sets a great example for the other cubs. Akela and Kaa are certainly very proud of him and his passion for scouting. I think Daniels the first cub to achieve the Gold level badge in quite some time.

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Daniel Ewers pictured below receiving his Gold cub Award, great work Daniel.

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