Brooklyn Scouts celebrate Chief Scout’s Awards – and a new kitchen

After 30 years of ‘steady as she goes’, Brooklyn Scouts is celebrating a new lease of life, with two more Scouts achieving Chief Scout’s Awards and the formal opening of a new kitchen in the Brooklyn Scout Hall in Harrison Street, Brooklyn.

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Josh Stewart and Liam Simes were both awarded the Chief Scout’s Award on Tuesday 16 December.

Presented by Councillor David Lee, the Chief Scout’s Award is the supreme award within the Scouting section (ages 10 to 15) and is only given to Scouts who have made outstanding achievements in their scouting lives. Only four Chief Scout’s Award have been achieved by Brooklyn Scouts in the last 30 years – there were two awards in 2013.

For Josh who has just completed Year 10 at Wellington High, achieving the Chief Scout award has meant 24 weeks of helping with Cubs, community service in the form of clean-ups and plantings in the Owhiro Stream and academic achievements in the form of a Niwa science fair project win with his project on weather. Josh’s interest in Kapa Haka at school has also helped the group with its understanding of Tikanga Maori.

In presenting the award, David noted Josh’s determination to put in the hours to get the award – hours that are on top of a heavy commitment to numerous sports teams, kapa haka, and the feminist club at school.

Liam’s award was presented in absentia, but his achievements include service leading Keas, leading trips for other Scouts, including one to the Hawkes Bay and attendance at the Scout Jamboree – a key scouting event held every three years. Liam is an active surf life-saver and competes at a National level so has also been the resident water safety expert for the group. Liam has just completed Year 10 at Wellington College.

In addition to the presentation of Chief Scout’s Awards, the Group celebrated the formal opening of a brand new kitchen. Built with the assistance of a significant grant from Karori Brooklyn Community Charitable Trust (KBCCT) and with funding for an electrical upgrade from Transpower, the new kitchen will enable the group to expand the cooking skills of their Scouts. It also provides a more usuable community space for the wider Brooklyn community.

The kitchen upgrade comes after the excavation and building of a new Venturer den in the basement of the hall that was celebrated earlier in 2014.

Group Chair, Oliver Mander said “Scouts is all about adventure for life. We are a growing and active group, offering great opportunities for young people from 5 to 18 to have fun, learn and achieve in the outdoors and in the community.

“We’re looking forward to an exciting year in 2015 using our new facilities.”

Silverpine cub pack do a ‘raid’ at the Brooklyn Cubs Night

It was great to have Silverpine cub pack do a ‘raid’ at the Brooklyn Groups section night.

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The evening started with a Grand Howl where the increased pack size filled the Brooklyn den, then it was off up to the local school for a wide game of Witches/Trolls/Elves. The whole pack was then devided into 4 smaller groups and went to an area where the very accomplished Silverpine Venturers, led by Alex, gave instruction and assistance to the Cubs in constructing balistae.  The building of a balistae and the launching (some more successfully than others) of wet sponges proved a challenging, fun activity for all those involved and the resulting sponge fight was a big hit. Our thanks to Alex, the Venturers, Leaders, parents and Cubs from Silverpine for a great cross-Zone activity night. The challenge is now out for Brooklyns Endeavor Venturer unit to organise a return raid at some point in the future.

Photos of the Turere Lodge tramp


What a great weekend for a tramp, I wish I could have been there.  The weather was perfect it sounds everyone had a great time.  A great tramp for the younger scouts and a good learning experience needing to carry in all their own gear (including food)!!

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Pictures from the weekends ski trip

Well, no pictures of the actual skiing due to the weather, but alternative fun activities were had by all.  Saturday morning we had a tramp around Lake Rotopounamu and to relax a soak at the Debretts hot pools, with most of the scouts enjoying the water slide.

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Sunday morning the weather was no better, so we packed up and made the most of the day with a visit to the Tangiwai Memorial followed by the Waioru Army Museum.  Then followed by a farm visit, where we were able to watch new calfs being fed, stroke a 1 day old lamb and for the more adventurous scouts some milking!!  A special thanks to Nick Devereau for a great farm visit.

Keep an eye on the website as more photos will be loaded as they come in.

Thanks Denise for organising a great trip.

