7 Scouts, 6 Leaders and 2 parents ventured through various medical disaster scenarios and successfully saved numerous dummies from imminent death!
Keeping up with our first aid skills is critical to be able to run safe evenings and other events.
On Tuesday evening the Scouts went down the Town Hall, and learnt about what the council does to run the city. Ian McKinnon the deputy mayor showed us around the Mayors office and the decision making centre the council chamber.
We thank Deputy Mayor, Ian McKinnon for his time to show us around.
The Deputy Mayor signed autographs for the scouts
The scouts sitting in the mayors seat
Making an announcement
One of our Scout Patrol Leaders, Liam, was invited to attend the Royal Visit recently at Government House in Wellington. His attendance provided an opportunity for this photo to be taken with Lieutenant General Sir Jerry Mateparae (the GG is Chief Scout in NZ).
It was apparently the only photo taken with a member of the visiting public… wearing a scout uniform does have its privileges!
– via Andrew
This evening the scouts looked at weather, Andrew took them through isobar maps high and low pressure and Henry showed everyone a real time map of wind flow over the USA – particularly relevant given this was the evening of Hurricane Sandy!