Cub camp: 19-21 November

The Cubs went to Brookfield for a 2-day camp under canvas last weekend and had a wonderful time.  Milo and a biscuit got everyone settled around 10pm on the Friday after some great work pitching all the tents.

Saturday was a huuuugggee day: up at 05:30 [not by choice for the leaders and adults!] and then the Confidence Course; Flying Fox; lunch; canoes and rafting; swimming pool; free play; dinner; campfire; and then back for toasted marshmallows at the tents.  Not surprisingly, everyone went to bed a bit earlier…

… and got up a bit later to on Sunday.  Lots of free play, a walk up the hill following the course that the Bog Run participants were going to be taking later in the day.  And then watching and cheering on all the runners as they dove into the drainage ditch alongside our camp was fun.

Back to the Scout Hall by around 2pm – muddy, tired, happy.

Big thanks to the Scouts who came up for Saturday and Sunday and for Venturers Henry and [G] who joined and helped out.