Term 1 2014 – `Splish Splash` – start the year with a SPLASH!
The draft Scout programme for Term 1 2014 is an action packed programme 🙂
- Keas – Activity Plan
- Cubs – Activity Plan
- Scouts – Activity Plan
- Endeavour’ Venturers – Activity Plan
The draft Scout programme for Term 1 2014 is an action packed programme 🙂
Friday was a long day preparing for concreting, but thanks to assistance
of Dave Fowler a retired builder, we got the boxing completed.
Without a skip, we couldn’t get onto the digging to increase the size of
the quartermaster’s store, but did a couple of runs to the tip, to
clearing the rubbish. Having the retaining wall enabled us utilise most
of the concrete as drainage behind it and Denise’s green fingers will see
a larger picnic area beautifully landscaped.
And yes next week we need people for digging and carrying next Saturday
between 9 to 1pm.
It is great to see the progress
Rex Collett
On Tuesday 3 December, Brooklyn Scouts celebrated several notable firsts: the first official visit from Her Worship the Mayor of Wellington, Celia Wade Brown, and the first time for 30 years that we have awarded the Chief Scout’s Award.
Two of our Scouts, Alaigne and Emerald, completed the demanding list of skills, activities and service that makes up the highest level award in the Scout section. In a formal ceremony opened by our Group Leader, the Mayor presented both Scouts with their Chief Scout’s Awards and we noted some of their scouting highlights.
For Emerald this included very high achievement at the 2013 Scouts Photography course, and successful organisation of a scout led trip to JOTA/ JOTI in Masterton. Alaigne’s achievements had a strong focus on service and organisation, and we heard that she had successfully led a major cooking project to supply meals to the Wellington Soup Kitchen, and Owhiro Stream cleanup and planting activities.
The Mayor’s speech commended our achievements as an active and growing community group, and she noted the good work we do in connecting young people with service in their communities.
We were delighted to be joined by Regional Development Manager Gwyn, whose comments follow; by John (who presented certificates) and Paul from Wellington Zone, by Keas, Cubs and Venturers, and by a number of Scout families.
Gwyn says: I attended Brooklyn’s first Chief Scout Awards in many years (30 I believe). Alaigne and Emerald have been involved in a number of things I’ve been at this year and really did shine with their positive attitudes – Congratulations girls and to all the Brooklyn leaders and families who supported these girls through.
Great to have the accolade from National and the support of our Zone leaders, and our families. The formal ceremony was followed by tea, coffee and delicious cakes prepared by scout families – a big thank you to the cake bakers.
Saturday 6 December 8am onwards
Adults and venturers needed to dig and cart concrete ( no pump this time!). The concrete truck arrives at 8 am.