ANZAC Day, 25 April 2012 – Brooklyn Scouts Remember

Brooklyn keas, cubs, scouts and venturers have a long and proud tradition of supporting ANZAC day commemorations. It is an important part of fulfilling our Promise: our duty to our country.

This year we have been invited to lead the parade behind the RSA members (it’d be great to see as many youth as possible in the new uniform). The Group is working on getting ANZAC day badges for all those who attend to be presented by an RSA representative at a subsequent evening.

To learn more about ANZAC day, read about it on NZ’s online encyclopedia, TeAra. And see maps of the original battlefield.

2012 Timetable

10:00 – Meeting at St Matthew’s Church, Washington Ave, Brooklyn
10:15 – Official welcome including presentation of the colours.
10:30 – Service starts

After the service the parade will march from the Church down to the Community Center for morning tea.

Meet our new Kea Leader

Brianna Leahy, Kea Leader

We are stoked to announce that Brianna Leahy (pronounced Br-eye-anna) is joining us a new Kea leader.  Brianna replaces Rebekah who has done a fantastic job supporting Duane (the Keas gave Rebekah a suitable send-off as she heads over the ditch).

Brianna is a Napier-native, but is going to be in Wellington for the next 4 years as she’s studying for a double-major in philosophy and psychology.  Hopefully some of that study will help her come to terms with the down-grade in climate!

A former Scout and Venturer, Brianna brings with her a heap of experience.

My most memorable moment in scouting was as a Patrol Leader at the 2007 C-Jam jamboree.  It was great having the responsibility for a patrol of scouts at such an amazing event

Do say “hello” when you see her, and make her feel welcomed into Brooklyn Scouts.

New poster: Homework for real life…

The sharp-eyed amongst you may have noticed our new poster out in the wild in Brooklyn and surroundings areas.  It features our Cubs, Scouts and parents, along with Chief Scout and adventurer, Bear Grylls.

We could always do with greater coverage and it’d be great to get your help.  Maybe you could print one-off and put it up at work? Or get one in your classroom / school notice board?

We have a few print outs left, so leave a comment below or get in touch with a committee member if you’d like one.

download: Brooklyn Scouts – Homework for real life – Poster

Its National Mudslide day!

Woo hoo!  It’s National Mudslide Day! It is to be held this Saturday 25th February, thats this Saturday (tomorrow)

There are two being held in our Zone

  1. Paparangi Scouts , Mark Avenue, Paparangi – Time 10.00 am – 2.00 pm
  2. Karori Scouts, Ian Galloway Park, Seaforth Terrace, Karori, 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm

At both venues, sausages and drinks will be on sale at $1.50 each

Mud (water) slide - Ian Galloway Park, Wellington (c) Rob Wallace

Wear clothes they do not mind getting wet and bring a towel (although it is called a MudSlide it is actually usually a water slide – so your car won’t suffer too much).

This event is hugefun and is for the whole family not just for youth.


Kate Middleton is scouting’s latest volunteer!

Source: Scouting UK,


HRH Duchess of Cambridge

Don’t expect to see her helping with the Brooklyn Cubs and Keas anytime soon, but Kate Middleton – or HRH the Duchess of Cambridge – has become Scouting’s newest volunteer and will help at local cub packs and beaver colonies (equivalent to Keas).

The Duchess, who joins 66,000 girls and 40,000 female leaders in Scouting, will help out at groups close to where she lives.

In Brooklyn, we are warmly welcoming adult volunteers who want to get involved – be it for one night a term, or more regularly.  It all helps. To be a part of Brooklyn Scouts contact one of our great leaders.

Here’s Chief Scout Bear Grylls talking about the value of all volunteers for making scouting a quality, vital experience for young people today.