Was fantastic weather up at Kaitoke this weekend and the cubs were very well behaved and all had a great time. Thanks Chris and Dinesh (Aadi’s Dad) for the pictures.
Here are some pics from the early part of the morning at the Paparangi waterslide for the 2013 National Mudslide Day.
If you have extra pictures to add, mail them to webmaster_at_brooklynscouts.org.nz so I can add them to the flickr set.
It’s only been 3 weeks back into Scouts for 2013 and already it’s been non-stop. Below are a few pics of the recent weekend camp at Saywells and a weekday BBQ event at Princess Bay.
Thanks to Scout Leader Bob for the photos.
So soon? Yup – get set to get wet at the Scouts National Mudslide Day!
In case you aren’t sure what goes on, check out the pictures from last year’s event.