Clean-up: the results

What a load of rubbish!

Wow! What a great effort and turnout last Saturday at the Owhiro Stream cleanup.

All up, 21 keas, cubs, scouts, leaders and adults turned up. Within 1 hour the group collected the amount of rubbish shown in the photo.

The Ewers family even won the day’s strangest rubbish award with a half surfboard!

Most also got to plant new natives to boost the reparian area around the stream… oh, and feed the big pet eel called Master Eel.

Then it was all back to the Hall for a cuppa and some biccies. Well done Brooklyn Scouts!

(Thanks to Sue for the photos!)

Clean-up, plant-up – Sat 9th June

Hi all – this Saturday 9th June it’s World Environment Day. As flagged in our Activity plans we’re going to help the Owhiro Stream Conservation Group remove rubbish and – maybe – help them plant some of the thousands of new plants for the stream banks.

It’s a Group activity, so all keas, cubs, scouts, venturers and their families are welcome.  And it’s bound to earn youth some credit towards their awards or a personal challenge badge!

When: 1pm – 3pm

Where: meet at the Scout Hall by 12:55pm, afternoon tea at the Hall at 3pm

Kit: Bring gardening gloves, rubbish sacks, gumboots or sturdy boots, and your own drink bottle.  We will travel by car to our assigned section of the Owhiro Stream.  Maybe a little bit of cake or some fruit to share for afternoon tea, too!

Contact Scout Leader Denise with any questions.

2LT Paul Cocker NZ Army Officer came to visit

2LT Cocker With the scouts after a challenge to put up his one man tent

On the 29th of May, our scout night was a busy one. First up we got to invest two new scouts in to our troop and present three Bronze Awards, the first step on the ladder to Queen Scout Awards. We were lucky enough to have these presented by New Zealand Army Officer 2LT Paul Cocker. 2LT Cocker then talked to us about his experiences in the Army and how he prepared for expeditions in the various places he had been posted to. He also talked about how his scouting helped him in his army career. We would like to thank 2LT Cocker for giving up his Tuesday evening to come and speak with us.   There are full quality photos of the youth being invested and presented with their badges available from Henry. Hope to have them on the website in the next couple of days


It’s not all about mud: Photography School 2012

In the second week of the July school holidays, 20 lucky scouts and venturers (who can rustle up the all inclusive $450 fee) will get to spend a week with expert photographers, honing and refining their skills.

The National Scout photography school is the only one of its type in New Zealand and it is for all Scouts and Venturers interested in digital photography. For a whole week the students are immersed in the fun and exciting world of photography. It is headed by professional photographers with the assistance of keen amateur photographers who all volunteer their time to enable young people to realise their dreams.

This year’s course will be local – at Brookfield.

ANZAC Day, Brooklyn, 2012 (pics)

There was a superb turnout from across Cubs, Scouts and Venturers earlier today to take part in the Brooklyn ANZAC Day Service and Parade.  ANZAC Day is an excellent opportunity for youth and leaders to fulfill their duty to their country, and contribute to the community.

We were joined by RSA members, active service personnel, Pippins, Brownies, Guides and the St John’s youth – and loads of parents and residents. After packing out St Matthew’s Church (standing room only), the Salvation Army band led the parade down to the Community centre where hundreds enjoyed drinks and snacks.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

Brooklyn did itself proud this morning in its remembrance.