This evening the scouts looked at weather, Andrew took them through isobar maps high and low pressure and Henry showed everyone a real time map of wind flow over the USA – particularly relevant given this was the evening of Hurricane Sandy!
This evening the scouts looked at weather, Andrew took them through isobar maps high and low pressure and Henry showed everyone a real time map of wind flow over the USA – particularly relevant given this was the evening of Hurricane Sandy!
True to the virtual, participate anywhere, nature of a Jamboree on the Internet, Brooklyn cubs and scouts participated from 3 locations! A small group went of to Masterton, and two home events were held in Brooklyn.
Lyn (Scout Alaigne’s mum) writes:
The “InBrooklyn” JOTI event – 5 scouts and one cub crowded around 3 computers which had been set up for accessing the 2012 JOTI chat rooms and TeamSpeak. For over three hours they thoroughly enjoyed “chatting” (typing) and talking with kids from Netherlands, Portugal, Venezuala, Ecuador,Croatia,Canada, the US, England, Scotland, Australia, Antigua & Barbuda, and others (including other Brooklyn Scouts on camp in Masterton!)
One memorableexchange was with a group in the Netherlands – in Dutch. Our bi-lingua scout had to correct their impression that New Zealand was close to Zeeland in the Netherlands (arguably it is, because that’s where our name came from) but he told them in no uncertain terms (in Dutch) that we are on the other side of the world!
Some took a break from tapping on computer keys and attempted some 2012 JOTI challenges and tasks. We also tried actually talking (using TeamSpeak) which resulted in many laughs, as voice quality and response times made discussion a little difficult, but our cub member made the best job of having a “real” conversation with some Aussies.
The rest thoroughly enjoyed typing responses furiously and finding out about the likes and dislikes of scouts all over the world. 🙂
[direct link to slideshow, if doesn’t show below]
Last night for the first time in many years we were “raided” – by 18 scouts from Kelburn. They joined us in a surprise visit and we had lots of games, a survival exercise, a construction team game “egg rescue” – 3 out of 5 eggs survived – but more new scouting links were formed.
A return raid on Kelburn is being arranged – at a surprise date!
– via Denise
New PLs being inducted
Congratulations to new Patrol Leaders and Assistant Patrol Leaders Liam, Alaigne, Matthew B, and to our newly promoted Senior Patrol Leaders Emerald, Augusta and Caitlin!
We now have a very strong cohort of youth leadership in the Scouts who are playing an ever larger role in planning and running activities.
Around 20 cubs, scouts, venturers, leaders and parents (with an additional crew from Paparangi Scouts) had a fine time in sunshine, rain, hail, high wind… name it, we had it.
Thanks to the careful checking by our quartermaster, and Terry and friends, the tents all (well, with the sad exception of Grayson’s) stood up to the rigours.
At Saywells, we did our scouts’ good deed with a rubbish cleanup, we walked and learned compass navigation basics, played games, and completed an orienteering course. Newer scouts used their time well to acquire new skills, and three cooked their own dinner over the open fire – delicious.
— Denise
(as ever, if you don’t see the photos below click here)