Ready, aim….. fire!

This week the cubs and some scouts got to try their hand at some indoor target practice.  Carefully supervised and using only plastic shot, each youth had three shots to claim individual glory – and push their team to the highest average.

Winners on the night were Joseph [cub] and Dawn [scout], with the blue six taking team honours.

Pics: scout camp, Abigail Bay, Aug 2012

In short – it was awesome!!

We walked in on Friday night in the dark.  On Saturday, Ed arrived by cycle, and Liam & family arrived by car.  The barn was HUGE – big enough for tents, so big that we pitched
our tents INSIDE!

From the bach, we could see the beach, the ferries, and seals.  On Saturday we went walking… and we swam (Gus, Arwen, Olivia, Liam, Ed, Terry, and Grayson).  The water was cold!!  Liam and Edward played football outside to warm up BEFORE their swim.

We did our scouts good turn & collected rubbish from the coast.  On Saturday evening we scouts cooked dinner had a big campfire.



Term 3 2012 activity programmes are up

In case you are wondering what the keas, cubs and scouts are going to be getting up to this term, head on over to the relevant activity plans:

The scouts are going ‘old school’ this term, with a big focus on core scouting skills (firelighting, knots, tracking and communications – without iPhones!).  They also have a jam-packed weekend schedule with expeditions, tramps and community service activity.

Keas and cubs are following an Olympic inspired journey that takes them from making passports, learning about different countries to having a go at various sports and activities.

Tent issues….. from 1916!

Evening Post, Volume XCII, Issue 141, 12 December 1916, Page 9

With our new quartermaster on board and starting to introduce new processes around our managing our tents, camp and expedition gear, it’s good to know that some things never change.

Here is an article from the 12 December 1916 issue of the Evening Post:

On Wednesday, 27th December, the Brooklyn Troop will cdmmence a ten days’ camp at Lowry Bay. Although Brook-, lyn is not a very large troop the ladsare keen and are well on their way to becoming efficient scouts. There is a difficulty about tents, and it has- been suggested that some Brooklyn residents might be” willing to lend them to the Scouts for the camp. The Scoutmaster will be at the Clubroom, Brooklyn, between 7.45 and 8.30 on Friday night.

Item at Papers Past – National Library