The 23rd Australian Jamboree – AJ2013 is being held in Queensland in January 2013 – and those wanting to go have to get their name in now!
An amazing opportunity to join 13,000 Scouts and their Leaders from all over Australia, NZ and beyond and spend 12 days in a beauitful location doing everything from abseiling and beach volleyball, through to clown school and welding! Check out the full program.
Jamborees are the pinnacle of any Scout’s time in the section, making lots of new friends, trying heaps of new activities and being part of a unique experience that encourages everyone to make their mark and achieve beyond it – New Zealand Contingent Leader Helen Warriner
Read more about the NZ contingent’s plans and preparations in their first newsletter.
URGENT: Scouts interested in taking part in AJ2013 need to have their deposit of NZ$260 paid in by 12 February – those interested should contact Denise without delay!