Jamboree Australia 2013 – the chance of a lifetime!

The 23rd Australian Jamboree – AJ2013 is being held in Queensland in January 2013 – and those wanting to go have to get their name in now!

An amazing opportunity to join 13,000 Scouts and their Leaders from all over Australia, NZ and beyond and spend 12 days in a beauitful location doing everything from abseiling and beach volleyball, through to clown school and welding! Check out the full program.

Jamborees are the pinnacle of any Scout’s time in the section, making lots of new friends, trying heaps of new activities and being part of a unique experience that encourages everyone to make their mark and achieve beyond it – New Zealand Contingent Leader Helen Warriner

Read more about the NZ contingent’s plans and preparations in their first newsletter.

URGENT: Scouts interested in taking part in AJ2013 need to have their deposit of NZ$260 paid in by 12 February – those interested should contact Denise without delay!

Kate Middleton is scouting’s latest volunteer!

Source: Scouting UK, scouts.org.uk


HRH Duchess of Cambridge

Don’t expect to see her helping with the Brooklyn Cubs and Keas anytime soon, but Kate Middleton – or HRH the Duchess of Cambridge – has become Scouting’s newest volunteer and will help at local cub packs and beaver colonies (equivalent to Keas).

The Duchess, who joins 66,000 girls and 40,000 female leaders in Scouting, will help out at groups close to where she lives.

In Brooklyn, we are warmly welcoming adult volunteers who want to get involved – be it for one night a term, or more regularly.  It all helps. To be a part of Brooklyn Scouts contact one of our great leaders.

Here’s Chief Scout Bear Grylls talking about the value of all volunteers for making scouting a quality, vital experience for young people today.


Scout Hall development – kick-off meeting

We all know that our venerable, faithful Scout Hall on Harrison St has given many good years of service – and is in sore need of some TLC.  Our Hall is the permanent ‘face’ of our Group and our biggest financial asset: ensuring it is welcoming, versatile, safe and well-maintained is a high priority for the Leaders and Committee.

All parents / caregivers and youth are invited to a Future Hall Visioning Session, to be held this Wednesday, 18 January at 6:30pm 183 Karepa St, Brooklyn.

This session is aimed at getting a shared vision for our Hall – and one that will support the development of detailed plans in the coming months.  Please, please come along – your input and views are needed…

…and we promise this doesn’t mean you’ll be automatically roped into future responsibilities!

NZ National Commissioner post open!

Stuart Fleming, National Commissioner

Scouts NZ National Commissioner 2011/12 Stuart Fleming

If you have a great knowledge of Scouting and wish to contribute to scouts at a national
level then a rare opportunity is now open.  Scouts New Zealand is looking for a new National Commissioner to replace Stuart Fleming, whose term ends in March 2012

This is a key leadership role and requires someone who can inspire and motivate leaders at all levels of the Movement. The National Commissioner is frequently seen at events and forums around the country so the role requires a confident and outgoing personality. – scouts.org.nz

Read more about Stuart’s exploits during his term.

Find out more about this important postion and apply.

AGM holds subscription costs and elects Parent committee

Updated: minutes, financials and reports added

Brooklyn Scout Group held its AGM on Sunday evening, reporting on a fantastic year of activities and development across all the sections of the Group: Keas, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers.

Highlights of 2011 included:

  • Keas starting their new Badge and Awards program with a vengeance
  • Cubs number swelling, and enjoying a fantastic camp
  • Scouts cycling from the Rimutaka incline to Saywells, tramping around Lake Waikaremoana

Importantly, the AGM voted to hold subscription charges at 2009 levels – this recognises the challenging economic times, but also the fact that subscriptions only cover around 50% of our running costs.  The Group will continue to rely on fantastic fund-raising efforts, and the support of parents / caregivers.

Looking forward, the AGM attendees were keen to provide an increased level of support to the Leaders.  To this effect, it was resolved to setup a Parents Committee to work with the Leaders.  The initial Members of this Committee are:

  1. Chris Ewers (Cub Parent)
  2. Donald Clark (Cub Parent)
  3. Erina Papp (Scout Parent)