Surgery, sticks and silence

Another typical night at Brooklyn Cubs…

Richard demonstrated his recent double hip-operation courtesy of the back-end of a pig, some latex gloves and a power saw.  Watching was optional, but almost all Cubs were agog.

Donald introduced a new game using some sticks.

And we even got everyone to be absolutely silent at the end of the evening.  I know it’s unbelievable – but there genuinely was absolute silence 🙂

Uniform transition nearly complete

It was a couple of years ago when Scouts NZ introduced the new uniform. We’ve taken a gradual encouragement to make the shift – after all they’re pricey and there’s all those badges to sew on!
Looking around tonight, its clear that growing youth and turnover has had its impact and we’re almost entirely in the new uniforms. (Of course, wearing the older green shirts is still absolutely acceptable.)


pics: Hall rejuvenation – weekend 1

Wow – what a transformation already.  With fantastic support from parents and youth alike.

Ably led by Rex and Erina, a team of 15 adults and 4 youth worked shifts throughout Saturday and Sunday to blast, scrape, yank, saw, slap and dab their way an huge way towards our first goal: repair and painting of the South and West exterior walls.

Thanks to: Rex, Erina, Chris, Matt, Mel, Perry, Julia, Lynne, Dave, Donald, Marion, Dinesh, Richard, Bob, Denise – and Alaigne, Harriet, Harris and Sam.

How bad were things? Not terrible, but we uncovered some moderate rot around many of the windows and a bad patch on the South-West corner.  Rex went into battle with rot killer, power saw, and years of experience and by Sunday it had yielded!  We are getting quotes for window repairs.

Next up is finishing the repairs, completing the top coats, and then doing the window and edging in Scouting purple!

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