Pics: Group Gamp, Saywell’s Farm, April 2012

This Easter’s group camp was summed up by Denise (Scout Leader);

 great time, good weather, good company of leaders, families, venturers, scouts and cubs

Gorge walk (abandoned early due to rising water!), rifle shooting, nature exploring, assault course – and of course a good dose of sitting around the fire – all featured.

Chris took some pics – a selection of which is below.

Gang Show 2012

Gang Shows are a lot of work, but an immense amount of fun!  For those of you not familiar with them, Wikipedia says the following:

Gang Show is a theatrical performance with a cast of youth members of Scouts and Guides. Adult leaders and parents help out behind the scenes. The aim of the shows is to give young people in Scouting and Guiding the opportunity to develop performance skills and perform in a close to professional theatrical environment. Opportunities are also afforded to young people to work backstage, in front of house roles and as musicians in musical items and in the pit band.

The 2012 Gang Show season is getting into gear – auditions are coming up and NOW is the time to start to get involved.


  • Saturday 12 May – Sunday 13 May

Any uniformed member of Brooklyn Scouts may audition to be in the cast of HVGS 2012.  However, you must be 10 years old as at 24 September 2012. (HVGS = Hutt Valley Gang Show.)  The auditions are on the afternoon of Saturday 12 May 2012 and Sunday 13 May 2012.  To audition you must register online in advance.

Commitment Required of Cast Members

  • Rehearsals start Monday 4 June (holiday monday)
  • Every Sunday afternoon until September show date

If you get accepted, you can’t let the show down!  All members of the cast are expected to attend ALL rehearsals (even if it’s raining / cold / the season finale of Twilight).

The first rehearsal is 10am – 5pm Monday 4 June 2012 (Queens Birthday Monday). Rehearsals will be held from 1-5pm (with early and late calls one hour either side) every Sunday thereafter through to the performances in September. This includes the Sundays of the July school holidays.

More detail

On auditions…

Once you have registered we will get back to you with your the time that you have been allocated – this will be on the day you have indicated on your online registration. Don’t worry if you don’t hear from us straight away as it often takes a little while for us to process the audition registrations. If you have any questions please email Maggs Kerslake, HVGS Production Administrator at [email protected]

All people auditioning will be organised into groups of up to 10 people. The audition process will involve the group going to four bases over the course of about an hour and a half. At each the first three bases you will learn a song, some movement and some drama. At the fourth base you will then “show us your stuff”. We will try and keep it as easy and relaxed as possible so there is nothing to worry about. You do not need to prepare anything in advance for your audition.

On rehearsals

All cast members are also required to be at the two full weekend Gang Show Camps on 22-24 June and 31 August- 2 September 2012; and the two weekend theatre rehearsals on 8-9 September and 22-23 September 2012. Of course cast members must also be available for all of the performances (24-29 September 2012).

PLEASE make sure that you (and your family) are prepared to make this commitment before you decide to audition.

ANZAC Day, 25 April 2012 – Brooklyn Scouts Remember

Brooklyn keas, cubs, scouts and venturers have a long and proud tradition of supporting ANZAC day commemorations. It is an important part of fulfilling our Promise: our duty to our country.

This year we have been invited to lead the parade behind the RSA members (it’d be great to see as many youth as possible in the new uniform). The Group is working on getting ANZAC day badges for all those who attend to be presented by an RSA representative at a subsequent evening.

To learn more about ANZAC day, read about it on NZ’s online encyclopedia, TeAra. And see maps of the original battlefield.

2012 Timetable

10:00 – Meeting at St Matthew’s Church, Washington Ave, Brooklyn
10:15 – Official welcome including presentation of the colours.
10:30 – Service starts

After the service the parade will march from the Church down to the Community Center for morning tea.

New poster: Homework for real life…

The sharp-eyed amongst you may have noticed our new poster out in the wild in Brooklyn and surroundings areas.  It features our Cubs, Scouts and parents, along with Chief Scout and adventurer, Bear Grylls.

We could always do with greater coverage and it’d be great to get your help.  Maybe you could print one-off and put it up at work? Or get one in your classroom / school notice board?

We have a few print outs left, so leave a comment below or get in touch with a committee member if you’d like one.

download: Brooklyn Scouts – Homework for real life – Poster

National Mudslide day pictures

UPDATED: With pictures from Karori too

Well…. it was more of a waterslide than a mudslide (which made the car journey home a bit cleaner).  The Venturers joined their associates in Paparangi to help setup the slide the night before, some even sleeping in the adjacent Scout Hall to keep an eye on things (now that’s dedication!).

Shortly after 10am on the day, the action got underway after Brooklyn did a good deed by helping to get the pump sucking water properly.

There was also a contingent of cubs and scouts at the Karori waterslide for the 2-4pm slot at Ian Galloway park – a bit of a longer wait on this one due to its popularity – but at least as much.

It was fantastic to have a nice turnout across the Group, with cubs, scouts, venturers and leaders all represented…

… and have the bruises to prove it was a good activity!