Thanks to our friends at the Alexander Turnbull Library, we now have a digital copy of the Brooklyn Scouts 50th Anniversary Booklet from 1959 (also available on our History page)!
The booklet, produced 50 years ago contains a number of gems:
- The Troop being “forced” out of the Baptist Church Hall c. 1925 after a change in Minister
- The phenomenal effort by Mr A Cowen (a builder) to drive the funding and construction of our current Hall, opened on 21st November 1931
- The scout “senior patrol” producing 2 Queen’s Scouts in 1959
- The memorium to 8 ex-Scouts “who laid down their lives for their country in the 1939-45 War”
- The plea to parents to “attend the Annual Meeting and other special functions, and to see that your boys are smartly turned out”!
Share your favourite bits in the comments, below.