Oh Yea, Oh Yea – read all about it….

The term is well underway with planning for the Hillary-Tenzing challenge, learning about our local environment and the universe.  It’s great to see the keas, cubs, scouts and venturers enjoying themselves.

At the same time, our ranks are swelling and the committee is finalizing plans for the improvement of our hall, upgrading some of our kit and helping our youth attending major scouting events.

To achieve what we want to achieve we need a little bit more help from you.  Your commitment doesn’t have to be lots (a few hours a term to supervise a badge, share a skill at an evening session, help out at a fundraiser, take your term on the cleaning roster) but could be a little more (helping out on the committee, co-ordinating an activity).


There is now a cleaning roster pinned up on the notice board just inside the door of the hall.  Term 2 is being managed by Scouts.  Term 3 will be Cub parents and families.

Cleaning only takes about 30 mins if we all take a regular turn and ensures a good environment for our youth.

Please see a leader on the week of your duty for the key.

insurance money to spend!

The bad news is that we had quite few tents damaged a month ago in a storm.  The good news is that we have received an insurance payout to buy some replacement kit!

If you’ve got some ideas for what purchases we need, see the quartermaster…

in the quartermaster’s store

… speaking of which – we’re  delighted to announce that the newest parent member on the committee is Andrew Simes!  Father of scout Liam, Andrew has agreed to be our Quartermaster.  Email him at quartermaster [at] brooklynscouts.org.nz

Well done Andrew, welcome and we’re all looking forward to having someone keep us in shape over kit and tents.

It’s not all about mud: Photography School 2012

In the second week of the July school holidays, 20 lucky scouts and venturers (who can rustle up the all inclusive $450 fee) will get to spend a week with expert photographers, honing and refining their skills.

The National Scout photography school is the only one of its type in New Zealand and it is for all Scouts and Venturers interested in digital photography. For a whole week the students are immersed in the fun and exciting world of photography. It is headed by professional photographers with the assistance of keen amateur photographers who all volunteer their time to enable young people to realise their dreams.

This year’s course will be local – at Brookfield.

ANZAC Day, Brooklyn, 2012 (pics)

There was a superb turnout from across Cubs, Scouts and Venturers earlier today to take part in the Brooklyn ANZAC Day Service and Parade.  ANZAC Day is an excellent opportunity for youth and leaders to fulfill their duty to their country, and contribute to the community.

We were joined by RSA members, active service personnel, Pippins, Brownies, Guides and the St John’s youth – and loads of parents and residents. After packing out St Matthew’s Church (standing room only), the Salvation Army band led the parade down to the Community centre where hundreds enjoyed drinks and snacks.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

Brooklyn did itself proud this morning in its remembrance.

Pics: Group Gamp, Saywell’s Farm, April 2012

This Easter’s group camp was summed up by Denise (Scout Leader);

 great time, good weather, good company of leaders, families, venturers, scouts and cubs

Gorge walk (abandoned early due to rising water!), rifle shooting, nature exploring, assault course – and of course a good dose of sitting around the fire – all featured.

Chris took some pics – a selection of which is below.

Stargazing, rubbish and glow-worms – Term 2 at Keas & Cubs

As the Easter holidays draw to a close it’s time to get revved up again for Term 2 – and not just for school.  There’s something much more exciting happening in the evenings!

The Leaders have created packed and exciting Term 2 activity plans for each section.  For the Keas and Cubs this includes rocketry, stargazing, glow-worm walks, experiments with plants, treasure hunts around the village and much more.

All our activities are planned so that weekly involvement will see all youth progressing smoothly through their bronze, silver and gold awards.

We need some parent help on a couple of the nights, so give one of the Leaders a shout to let them know you’d like to lend a hand!

Link: Keas Activity Plan
Link: Cubs Activity Plan